Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Last Day of Occupy Boston

As police prepare to remove a tent, one occupier attempts to calm his comrades

An occupier attempts to delay the Boston Police Dept. from removing a tent prematurely

An exhausted occupier watches as Boston Police remove a tent he attempted to save

A tent in Dewey Square shows solidarity

An organizer from flies a flag of peace over Occupy Boston

The beginning of Occupy Boston's last full day at Dewey Square

Occupiers post a sign reminding those both in and outside the camp to stay calm

Physically exhausted from a stressful and frigid night, an occupier finally makes his way towards his tent to catch up on much needed sleep

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The General Assembly: Direct Democracy at Last

A General Assembly meets in Burlington's Battery Park

One of the facilitators writes a brief script before the meeting

A facilitator embraces her role as time-keeper for the meeting

A member of the General Assembly listens intently

The facilitators discuss how to proceed through a difficult discussion

Members of the General Assembly listen to a proposal from a Working Group

The designated time-keeper emphatically keeps the discussion on topic

A host of occupiers prepare free food off-site for the General Assembly

Free Thanksgiving food is delivered (by whatever means available) to the General Assembly