Saturday, October 24, 2015

Pipline Demonstrators Shut Down State Street (rough cut)

This afternoon, demonstrations from 350 VT and Rising Tide Vermont gathered in Montpelier for a long brewing confrontation with the Public Service Board over the ongoing struggle against the Vermont Gas Pipeline slated to snake its way through Addison County.

After a short parade around downtown Montpelier, demonstrators gathered on State Street in front of the Public Service Building and erected a faux fracking derrick on the center line of State Street. "We're going to hold this space until the State stops making backroom deals with utility companies and until this fracked gas pipeline is shut down" said Rising Tide one organizer to the gathered crowd as a fellow protest climbed the thirty foot derrick to laughably impersonate Public Service Board Commissioner Chris Recchia in a precarious puppet show from atop the derrick.

Vowing to stay until the pipeline project is shut down, the occupation of State Street appears ready to continue until the upcoming Public Service Board meeting on Monday.

Click images to enlarge


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Returning to Photography

At last! After months/years of radio production, graphic design, and a million miles of other work, I'm finally able to get back to the good old medium of documentary photography that I hold so dear.

It's not exactly a massive dump of photos tonight, just a few photographs of friends working on a nearby construction site. But what fun it's been to return to the style of working that I spent more than a decade mastering.

That said, here are some photos. I hope to be posting more frequently in the weeks and months to come.

If you'd like to see more of my work (or get in touch about projects and collaborations) check out my website, Facebook page, and Twitter handle.


Click to enlarge images