Saturday, June 20, 2015

Migrant Justices Marches on Ben & Jerry's for Milk with Dignity

Hello hello!

I haven't posted photos in quite a while so I'm super happy to show this quick set of images from today's in the Milk with Dignity National Day of Action by Migrant Justice and a coalition of other organizations that are standing up for human rights in the Ben & Jerry's supply chain.


For more media work by Dylan Kelley visit his website, like his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter.

Monday, June 15, 2015

New Podcast!

As some of you who follow my work closely will likely know, I've been branching out from documentary photography and delving into radio work and podcasting. It's a long story that I'm likely to write a longer post about soon (you're guaranteed a good ramble if you come by again).

Anyway, the first major podcast I've done is about incarceration, prison, and criminal justice reform. Look for more work on some related/intersectional topics in the future.

Special thanks to the folks at Toward Freedom as well as Jeremy MacKenzie, Suzi Wizowaty. and Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform.

For more reporting and media from Dylan Kelley visit his website, like his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter.