Friday, September 21, 2012

From S17: The One Year Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street

The following are photographs from celebrations and actions that marked the 1st Anniversary of the occupation of Zuccotti Park in New York City.  View the full Vermont Commons write up here.

Click image for full screen.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Photographs from Tampa and the Republican Nation Convention

Here are a few images from my time in Tampa during the Republican National Convention.  Much of the photographs are of people who stayed at "Romneyville", the temporary Occupy encampment that was erected specifically for the convention.  Special thanks to everyone at the camp as well as those with the fortitude and determination to sleep outside during our brush with Hurricane Isaac.

Read the full Vermont Commons write up of the RNC here.

Occupiers take a rest at a Waffle House somewhere in the deep South

Amy Goodman interviews an Occupier after confronting riot police

Bicycle police await orders beneath a bridge near Romneyville

Occupiers hold a guerilla dance party in Tampa's club distict

A Tampa resident watches a march in a working class neighborhood

Occupiers hold up their hands, signaling to armed police ahead that they're unarmed

Occupiers take refuge in the only shade near Romneyville for lunch

Occupiers taunt members of the Westboro Baptist Church

Reporters and photographers cluster around Occupiers holding an intersection

Members of Earth First locked themselves together in order to shut down a coal fired powerplant outside of Tampa.  TECO Big Bend Power Plant was one of the RNC's largest sponsors.


Occupiers perform a sit-in at an intersection as Mitt Romney speaks in the convention center

Responding National Guard troops presence on an overpass, Occupiers signal that they're unarmed

A Christian fundamentalist attempts to preach to Occupiers