Last week marked the first time the work from my upcoming book Will's Store was officially published.
If you're in The Green Mountain State you can find the photos and accompanying article in the "Summer Vacation Issue" of The Herald of Randolph or you can also view it at their website here:
But wait there's more!
As a special treat for you legions (haha) of loyal followers of this blog I'm posting a brief little preview of the imagery from the "frontlines" of Will's Store.
As stated before, I've been working on this project for quite some time. So it brings me great satisfaction to know that the endless 20 hr days are producing good results. Thanks to the usual suspects out there for the support they've given (and continue to give).
An thanks goes out to those unsung who've supported me without even fully knowing it: Sarah Jo, Steve, Sandy, Damariscotta, The Korens, and Ashley.
Walt Whitman:
"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends."